Category Archives: Advising

Speed School Student Services New Academic Counselor!

The Speed School Student Services office is expanding and we would like to give a warm welcome to one of our new academic counselors, Natalie Oliner! She will be advising half of the students in the Class of 2018 cohort. Natalie is a recent graduate from the University of Michigan’s Higher Education Master’s program. She completed her Bachelor’s degree at Indiana University in Sociology and Religious studies. Natalie is originally from Macon, Georgia and she is excited about her new position at the University Of Louisville! In her spare time, she likes to bike, listen to music, read, and travel. She is also a chocolate and dog lover! Please feel free to stop by the office and say hello to our newest addition.

Starting the New Year in the Advising Office

Last week the Speed Advising Office welcomed back its students, beginning the Spring 2014 semester! This was the first time first year students registered for classes without a Block that was given to them during Orientation. Although there were some bumps along the way, it was great to see everything settle in officially and classes begin! For our 2nd and 3rd year students, we are very proud of the group of students that just were admitted into their department. They will be attending the co-op seminar class this semester and are starting to look for co-ops for the summer. Now in the office, the big prep for advising season is beginning, and we are seeing somewhat of a “calm before the storm.” Though calm is always relative!

Updates to the Speed School Student Services team

The Fall 2013 semester has come to an end! It has been a busy, but great semester to be a part of the Speed School! We had a much loved Academic Counselor retire, Vivian Lochner. She will be missed by many faculty and staff. We have a new Assistant Director of Speed School Student Services, Jimmy Kidd! He was previously in the Speed School Admissions Office and we are excited to have him be a part of the Advising team.

We hope everyone has a relaxing winter beak and happy holidays! The spring semester begins on Monday, January 6. We look forward to seeing all the Speed School students during their spring advising meeting!

Advising Changes and preparation

It has been a few crazy weeks in advising as students have actually been registering for classes, Vivian Lochner retired, and Jimmy Kidd started in the office. With all of the change and students in and out of the office it has made the office think about what can students do in preparation for their advising appointment. The best thing that a student can do before meeting with their advisor is to think about what classes they are hoping to take during the next few of semester. If you look ahead your advisor can help you stay on your Flight Plan. If we know what classes you are hoping to take we can offer insight into what semesters are the best to take them. Also, this gives us more time to talk about how you are doing in classes and get to know you better. Good luck with finals and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Advising for Spring 2014 – It’s Happening Now!

It may be just now feeling like Fall, but our Spring 2014 Advising is well underway! Between the four advisors, Ally, Heather, Susan, and Vivian, we will see over 1,100 students, at least once, in a little over a month! This is an especially exciting time for all first year students as they are now really settling into the rigor of Speed School. First year students are deciding which engineering major is truly the right fit for them, and many are now starting to think about how to get involved at the Speed School and on campus.

Remember Speed students, you must see your advisor in order to register for classes in the Spring! If you haven’t already set up your appointment, please do so today! Priority registration begins on November 1st at 8 a.m.

For those students wishing to drop a Fall 2013 class, the drop deadline is Monday, Oct. 28th.

Speed School Student Services

Speed School Advising Team

Speed School Advising Team (from left): Ally Rutledge, Susan Best, Heather Mann, and Vivian Lochner

The Speed School Student Service offices (Advising Office) are located in the Lower Level of the J.B. Speed Building. We are here to help the students be successful with their academic career. It has been a busy start to a new school year and we are looking forward to seeing our students during their Spring 2014 advising appointments! Registration begins November 1, so we encourage our students to make their advising appointment in October. The students will be notified via email on how to schedule their appointment through our GradesFirst system. The advising appointments give the student an opportunity to ask questions, get connected with resources on campus, and make an academic plan for the following semester.

Our first year students are learning how to manage their time and study to be a successful student. REACH and Supplemental Instruction programs are a great resource to get helpful tips. We encourage our students to use these resources as a proactive measure to stay on track. Many first year students report that they experience test anxiety; therefore the Speed School has organized a test anxiety program that is co-sponsored by the Counseling Center on October 1 from 7:00-9:00 pm at Center Hall. This program is open to all first year students!